Thursday, 24 December 2009
Aaah, Christmas!
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Check out how rigid she is! And note the slit in the jumpsuit..... poor thing - at least she was blessed with a nappy than is more than can be said for the rest of the toddlers we saw that day!
Sunday, 20 December 2009
OCCB Christmas Ball
We had a Christmas dinner, which was all very nicely presented but the turkey was too dry, which was a shame eeing as this is practically my only festive event pre-Christmas! There was an auction, and a speech by the British ambassador about his time in China, spanning c. 30 years, which was fascinating - so much so that I was prompted to introduce myself and tell him exactly that!
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Karaoke (cont.)
Classic tunes turned out to be My Way, Macarena, My Humps, Mambo Number 5 (the machine is a little difficult to use, so it seems we worked our way largely through the Ms...). And while we attempted some Cui Jian, it has to be said that, on my part, it was only my stance that resembled him.
I'd like to pay tribute to the efforts and stamina of all involved, as evidenced below - take your bows please!
And my personal favourite.....

Friday, 18 December 2009
The X Factor
But I digress... the point of this post is to point you all in the direction of the Chinese embassy website, where Ambassador Fu Ying has posted her thoughts and commentary on this year's X Factor final! If I, as a Brit in the PRC, have to miss out on this national institution, I am pleased to see it being taken seriously by my counterpart (erm, OK - not quite - maybe one day?) in the UK. Nice one, ambassador!
* I kept up with the Jedward fiasco, and the Dannii v. Cheryl fashion debate online, natch - but it's just not the same.
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Round up....
Lisa and Sophie came to visit! - and what a good time was had by all! Here we are celebrating the safe arrival of them, their luggage AND some funds (take note - Tonks!), and BGD is also seen getting into the spirit of it all and living up to his nickname..... We rounded off the evening with a mere 5 hours of KTV (post to follow).
Food - as winter has fallen upon Beijing, we seized the opportunity to indulge in the messy food fest that is hot pot, and took a trip to the Maizidian'r Jiaoziguan'r, which serves up amazing multi-coloured jiaozi, some of which have crunchy rice particles in them. Delicious! I was dismayed to learn that my guests had been forewarned about the 'terrible food in China', 'not like the Chinese food you're used to' etc - it's a common misconception, fuelled largely, I imagine, by tourists who speak no Chinese, who end up at a point-and-hope restaurant eating chicken lung and the like. Chinese food in China (and particularly in Beijing - though I could be jiaozi-biased) is delicious! Anything plied with MSG can't be that bad, right? ;-) Seriously though, it's great and hugely varied - after all, China is unimaginably massive! You should come and try it... just not while I'm here though, I'm afraid - I'm booked up until March!
BA strike action - a blessing in disguise!*
Firstly, what a HORRIBLE workforce that would vote 80% in favour of cancelling 1 million people's Christmas holidays. Mean, horrible, selfish people.
Secondly, thanks to BA for their flexi-ticket policy, which enabled me to bag a coveted spot on the flight back the Blighty on Sunday as opposed to risking my festive season and waiting until my scheduled flight on Wednesday. Good times ahead!
UPDATE: nice one, legal system - see this link for why!
* I realise it is not a blessing in disguise for the other 999,999 who face the threat of not making it home for Christmas.
Sunshine City
In fact "official" figures state that 86% of Beijing days are "blue sky days" and who am I to argue with that?
Friday, 4 December 2009
Black Sesame Kitchen
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Apologies, friends...
Back now with a vengeance and accompanied by Lisa and Sophie, my current partners in crime in Beijing!
Updates to follow....
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
798 District - Beijing
It hasn't changed much, although it is growing quite fast! There are hundreds of small galleries, with exhibitions by international artists such as Antony Gormley and Martin Parr (of whom, incidentally, I have become a big fan, since seeing his video "Think of England" which was possibly more funny because I watched it c. 15 years on and from so far away... but still!) and modern Chinese artists, many of whom make political statements in their art.
Ai Wei Wei had an interesting exhibition on, in which he explores China's relationship with the world in terms of trade (this world is made out of stacks of sheets of cotton), for example, and the notion of the individual vs. the collective, which has obvious connotations in a Communist society.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Capital Mmmm
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Jimmy Schnooze
In any event, the collection was overpriced, dull and tacky. Come on, Jimmy! Step it up.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Obama in Beijing!
Monday, 16 November 2009
LAN Club and Restaurant
We went on a Thursday evening at about 7.45pm, and on arrival the first thing that struck us was the decor - it's completely unlike anywhere else I have seen in Beijing: over sized thrones, a ceiling littered with huge, horizontally-hung portraits, an array of velvet-covered furniture and a selection of gigantic, ornate mirrors. You can get an idea from the pictures on the website, but decor and the lighting create a decadent and plush atmosphere in this enormous venue. Sweeping curtains create several smaller rooms within the club, which is fortunate seeing as when we arrived there were about 10 people there in total. Even with these divisions, the dimensions only served to highlight the lack of clientele, and this is probably LAN's most trouble. It is near Yonganli subway station, which is nowhere near any other evening venues (erm, i.e.: nowhere near Sanlitun), so that's a pretty big hurdle to start with....
First, we had a cocktail in the bar. I have developed a penchant for apple martinis, and this one did not disappoint (but at Y70+ I would have hoped for nothing less...). When we moved through to the dining area, we were pleased (and relieved!) to see that the restaurant was about two thirds full. The decor in here was much the same, the only thing that wasn't over sized, was the table, which meant that there was not much room to wield the cumbersome menu. Not only was it unwieldy, it was also very confusing. I had to worry about whether I was going to knock over my wine glass, while trying to decipher how much it would be appropriate to order.
Ben and I chose an appetiser each, and decided to share a prawn dish (Y100), a lamb dish (Y100), some vegetables and rice. This seemed a sensible choice, so I was quite surprised when we were advised to order two of each of the lamb and prawn dishes - especially given the price.*
In the end our starters and desserts (chocolate fondants) were delicious, but the mains were average and, disturbingly, served one after the other in quick succession, on plates so enormous that you had to finish the first before the second could be placed on the table. This was irritating, but not quite as irritating as the lack of free water served (I firmly believe this should be available in all restaurants and bars) and the small bottles of water priced at Y60+ a go. *grr* The total bill was Y1,400 for two, on top of our cocktails. However, the toilets were pretty cool - each one is an individual, mirrored room, complete wing back chair and free-standing dressing table housing a sink, whose taps cleverly turn on when you step in front of it.
The bar livened up after dinner with a jazz band playing in one section and a band playing covers in the main bar area, and this was by far the most enjoyable part of my evening. Overall, I can see the appeal for entertaining guests or for a fancy night out (drinks only), but I imagine it does not get many repeat visitors - especially to the restaurant. Apparently, it cost RMB300 million to set up and open LAN in 2006, and I wonder how long it will last given the prime real estate it occupies and lack of customers to fund ongoing expenses....!
*In China, this is very expensive!
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Ben's visit!
Luckily for me, Ben is a sucker for teen drama, and wholeheartedly embraced my new found Gossip Girl addiction - to the extent that we finished off season one and ploughed through all of season two during his time in Beijing. We might have felt a bit guilty, were it not so cold outside!
Ben also became the third member (yes, Dave's the other....) of my "I love Xiao Wang" fan club, and we ate there, or ordered in from there, regularly.
On these two counts, it seems that Ben will be very well suited for life in Beijing, so it bodes well for his 11 week sabbatical starting in February next year! :-) Very exciting.
I took Ben to Yaxiu market, which I regularly frequent for extra layers to fight the freezing temperatures. Ben splashed the cash on a variety of items, including a jacket, a coat, 4 tshirts, loads of DVDs, a hat, 4 belts and more, all for less than GBP 140, aided by my haggling. Now - a word of warning for any future visitors to Beijing - if someone else (ie: ME) is haggling on your behalf and secures a (if I may say so myself) fantastically low price, please do NOT add an extra Y10 to it after negotiations have closed - if you want to pay a higher price, you can haggle yourself!! I'm not sure what it is that compels Ben to pay over the odds for something, but it seems to be in his genes.....
We also treated ourselves to a few fancy dinners (more on these later), manicures and massages, and visited several other markets and the 798 art district (more on this later, too). A great week, all in all. Thanks for coming, Ben, and I'm looking forward to February!