Inevitably, there is a lot of controversy and debate (both informed and baseless, as far as I can tell) about the safety and morality of inducing rain and/or snow and playing with the weather in general. Silver iodide is the chemical of choice, though any of you trying this at home could substitute this with dry ice or salt, and then just find yourself a passing plane or rocket to do the business. Wikipedia doesn't say it's toxic, and I can confirm that the snow is white and does not glow in the dark or have any other peculiar qualities. I have a tendency to believe that such experiments are safe, or they wouldn't have been done... Any chemists want to offer enlightenment or invoke fear?
I understand that the 1st November snowfall was manufactured in order to combat Northern China's drought problem. However, I also heard that the snowfall was meant for the area northeast of Beijing, and the intention was not for the city itself to be covered in half a foot of snow, so maybe some fine-tuning still needs to be done. However, from past experiments, artificially inducing bad weather can certainly be effective in producing brilliant blue skies - for example, just look at the 2008 Olympics and this year's National Day celebrations!
More snow fell yesterday and still more is forecast for tomorrow, which is obviously pretty strange for a city that usually sees only 3 to 4 snowfalls per winter. However, word on the street that the government is keen to show off Beijing at its sunny best when Obama arrives in town on Sunday….. Oh to have that kind of influence when I go on holiday! Check out this weather forecast if you still aren't convinced - a coincidence? I think not.
love this - was weird when we were there for olympics how you would leave club in the early hours and get hit by exactly 45 minutes of rain...could time your watch by it!