Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Kodak - beautifying the billions

I have to apply for various visas for mine and Ben's upcoming trip, and needed to get some passport photos done - always a traumatic experience.  *sigh*

I duly headed for my local Kodak shop, where I was shown to a mirror and hairbrush, before being led to a seat in front of a big white screen.  The shop attendant used a DSLR with a soft flash to take 6 pictures, which I then got to analyse on a large TV screen.  So far, so good.  I eventually opted for the one in which I looked least suspicious (here, suspicious of the camera holder, not suspicious serial killer as per my UK photo) and in which she had coerced a faint (albeit confused) smile out of me.  Then, lo and behold, she arranged for me to collect them the next day - allowing her time to photoshop the results!*  Amazing.

And if any further proof were necessary, yesterday I got it.  I went to the Vietnamese embassy and handed over two photos, as per the requirements on its website.  Whereas the three people before me in the queue  had had one photo returned at this point, the man behind the counter instead requested to keep mine for 'personal use'.  Ahem, thanks and I'm flattered - but no!  Nice one, Kodak - can we have this in London please?

* NB: this is common practice, not just for me - thanks, people.

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