On the second day we were taken to a cave for a 'walk' which involved wriggling on our stomachs through muddy a hole about 60cm wide and 50cm tall - twice, in both directions! This led to many a 'Bridget Jones' moment for the girls, and my skirt and white blouse were definitely not suitable attire... We got some comedy photos out of this though, and the cave was pretty cool - not that we could see much with only one torch between us!
In the afternoon, we took a boat to the over-hyped monkey island, which was a bit of a dis-fest. On the way up the hill, we encountered an angry, large monkey. Our guide waved a large stick at it to get it to move from the path, and the monkey ran at him! After this excitement, those of us at the front were armed with large sticks and a healthy dose of fear for the rest of the short walk. We later learned that tourists have been bitten by the monkeys in the past, and that the monkeys are aggressive because they have been taken from their natural habitat near Hanoi and placed on 'monkey island' as a tourist attraction! SCAM! Luckily, we all escaped unscathed.

On the journey back to Halong city, we watched Invictus on DVD - what a FANTASTIC film! Ben had a hard time selling a film about how the 1995 rugby world cup was politicised to a group of 7 girls, but I think we all enjoyed it more than he did in the end! Rent it on DVD if you have not seen it.
Back in Hanoi, we hit Bia Hoi junction before the girls all left for Bangkok and various onward destinations. Thanks for the good times, Team Benetton!

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